Beyond the Broncos Girls Academy

Share the Dignity was founded in 2015 by Rochelle Courtenay, identifying that was a genuine need to provide vulnerable women in our community with essential sanitary products. 
Through the five years that Share the Dignity has grown, they now have over 5,000 volunteers whom have helped deliver over 1.5 million packets of pads and tampons, and over 390,000 essential filled handbags to Australian women and girls.

This year along with many other great businesses, Affinage Professional partnered with Share the Dignity to assist the Broncos Girls Academy with filling 2000 Teen Bags with items such as shampoo, conditioner, period products and deodorant.

Beyond the Broncos Girls Academy values the vital role that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women play in influencing the next generation. The Girls Academy program provides mentoring and support from Years 7 to 12 and into young adulthood to help these young leaders to succeed. Nearly 2,000 female students are currently enrolled in the program across 43 participating schools in Queensland and Northern New South Wales.

The Beyond the Broncos Girls Academy program focuses on improving;

  • Attendance - via personalised on-site support, addressing barriers to attendance and development of individual goals and rewards.
  • Leadership - via aspiration building activities, access to role models, leadership opportunities and connection to culture.
  • Confidence - achieved by providing personal development workshops, ongoing encouragement, motivation and advocacy.
  • Career Pathways - students have a direct line of sight to employment pathways and are encouraged to participate in work experience, school-based traineeships, university and have access to career role models from their community.

Supported by high-profile ambassadors Justin Hodges, Ali Brigginshaw and Scott Prince; and with staff based in each of the participating schools, students are provided with daily mentoring and encouragement to boost school engagement.

If you would like to get involved with Share the Dignity, follow them on;

Share the Dignity
Share the Dignity